Updated: February 2025
Chechelnizki G., Shaham N., Salhov A., and Burak Y.
Stabilization of memory on neural manifolds through multiple synaptic time scales.
bioRxiv 2025.01.30.635710. Link
Mainali N., Azeredo da Silveira, R., and Burak Y.
Universal statistics of hippocampal place fields across species and dimensionalities.
Neuron (in press, 2025). Link
Malerba S.B.., Burak Y., and Azeredo da Silveira, R.
Random Compressed Coding with Neurons.
Cell Reports (in press, 2025). Preprint
Agmon H. and Burak Y.
Simultaneous embedding of multiple attractor manifolds in a recurrent neural network using constrained gradient optimization.
NeurIPS (2023). Preprint
Waaga T. (*), Agmon H. (*), Normand V.A., Nagelhus A., Gardner R.J., Moser M.-B., Moser E.I., and Burak Y.
Grid-cell modules remain coordinated when neural activity is dissociated from external sensory cues.
* Equal contributors.
Neuron (2022). Link
Ben-Shushan N. (*), Shaham N. (*), Joshua M., and Burak Y.
Fixational drift is driven by diffusive dynamics in central neural circuitry.
* Equal contributors.
Nature Communications 13, 1697 (2022). Link
Gardner R.J., Hermansen E., Pachitariu M., Burak Y., Baas N.A., Dunn B.A., Moser M.-B., and Moser E.I.
Toroidal topology of population activity in grid cells.
Nature (2022). Link
Agmon H. and Burak Y.
A theory of joint attractor dynamics in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex accounts for artificial remapping and grid cell field-to-field variability.
eLife 9, e56894. Link
Mosheiff N. and Burak Y.
Velocity coupling of grid cell modules enables stable embedding of a low dimensional variable in a high dimensional neural attractor.
eLife 8, e48494. LINK
Rotem A., Gefen T., Oviedo-Casado S., Prior J., Schmitt S., Burak Y., McGuiness L., Jelezko F., and Retzker A.
Limits on spectral resolution measurements by quantum probes.
Physical Review Letters 122, 060503. LINK
Ravid Tannenbaum, N. and Burak Y.,
Theory of nonstationary Hawkes processes.
Physical Review E 96, 062314. Editors’ Suggestion. LINK
Mosheiff, N, Agmon H, Moriel A, and Burak Y.
An efficient coding theory for a dynamic trajectory predicts non-uniform allocation of entorhinal grid cells to modules.
PLoS Computational Biology 13, e1005597. LINK
Shaham N. and Burak Y.
Slow diffusive dynamics in a chaotic balanced neural network.
PLoS Computational Biology 13, e1005505. LINK
Ravid-Tannenbaum, N. and Burak Y.
Shaping Neural Circuits by High Order Synaptic Interactions.
PLoS Computational Biology 12, e1005056. LINK
Burak Y.
Spatial coding and attractor dynamics of grid cells in the entorhinal cortex.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 25, 169. F1000 Recommended. LINK
Ali F., Otchy T. M., Pehlevan C., Fantana A. L., Burak Y., and Ölveczky B. P.
The Basal Ganglia Is Necessary for Learning Spectral, but Not Temporal, Features of Birdsong.
Neuron 80, 494. LINK
Burak Y. and Fiete I. R.
Fundamental limits on persistent activity in networks of noisy neurons.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 109 17645. LINK
Burak Y., Rokni U., Meister M., and Sompolinsky H.
Bayesian model of dynamic image stabilization in the visual system.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 107, 17645. LINK
Burak Y and Shraiman B. I.,
Order and Stochastic Dynamics in Drosophila Planar Cell Polarity.
PLoS Computational Biology 5, e1000628. LINK
Burak Y., Lewallen S., and Sompolinsky H.,
Stimulus-Dependent Correlations in Threshold-Crossing Spiking Neurons.
Neural Computation 21, 2269. LINK
Burak Y. and Fiete I. R.,
Accurate Path Integration in Continuous Attractor Network Models of Grid Cells.
PLoS Computational Biology 5, e1000291. LINK
Fiete I. R., Burak Y., and Brookings T.
What grid cells convey about rat location.
The Journal of Neuroscience 28, 6858. LINK
Kanduc M., Trulsson M., Naji A., Burak Y., Forsman J., and Podgornik R.
Weak- and strong-coupling electrostatic interactions between asymmetrically charged planar surfaces.
Physical Review E 78, 061105. LINK
Welinder P.E., Burak Y., and Fiete I. R.
Grid cells: the position code, neural network models of activity, and the problem of learning.
Hippocampus 18, 1283. LINK
Thattai M., Burak Y., and Shraiman B. I.
The origins of specificity in polyketide synthase protein interactions.
PLoS Computational Biology 3, 1827. LINK
Ben-Yaakov D., Burak Y., Andelman D., and Safran S. A.
Electrostatic interactions of asymmetrically charged membranes.
Europhysics Letters 79, 48002. LINK
Burak Y.
Ph.D. Thesis: Effects of solvent mediated interactions on electrolytes and related electrostatic systems.
Burak Y., Andelman D., and Orland H.
Test-charge theory for the electric double layer.
Physical Review E 70, 016102. LINK
Burak Y., Ariel G., and Andelman D.
Competition between condensation of monovalent and multivalent ions in DNA aggregation.
Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 9, 53. LINK
Burak Y. and Netz R. R.
Charge regulation of interacting weak polyelectrolytes.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108, 4840. LINK
Burak Y., Ariel G., and Andelman D.
Onset of DNA aggregation in presence of monovalent and multivalent counterions.
Biophysical Journal 85, 2100. LINK
Burak Y. and Andelman D.
Discrete aqueous solvent effects and possible attractive forces.
Physical Review E 62, 5296. LINK
Burak Y. and Andelman D.
Hydration interactions: aqueous solvent effects in electric double layers.
Physical Review E 62, 5296. LINK