

The lab has openings for highly motivated students and postdoctoral research fellows. We are seeking candidates who are interested in theoretical work in neuroscience and biophysics. A strong education in mathematical sciences (physics, mathematics, or computer science) is necessary.

Postdoctoral fellows 

Applicants must have an excellent research record in theoretical neuroscience, theoretical physics, mathematics, or a related field, and a keen interest in computational neuroscience. To apply, please send a CV and list of publications, a brief statement of research interests, and the names of three references to yoram.burak at elsc.huji.ac.il. 

M.Sc. and Ph.D. Students

Students at the Hebrew University enrolled in the physics programs (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) or in the ELSC graduate program in computational neuroscience: please email yoram.burak at elsc.huji.ac.il