Ivan Andres Davidovich
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences and Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
E-mail: ivan.a.davidovich at ntnu.no
Ivan Davidovich received his undergraduate degree in physics at the Instituto Balseiro (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina). He then received an M.Sc. in high energy physics at the Instituto Balseiro, supervised by Prof. César D. Fosco, and a Ph.D. in high energy physics, supervised by Prof. Leandro Da Rold at the Instituto Balseiro. Before joining the Burak lab and the ERC KiloNeurons project, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience (NTNU, Norway), supervised by Prof. Yasser Roudi.
Davidovich, I.A., P., P., Roudi, Y.
Bayesian Interpolation for Power Laws in Neuroscience.
bioRxiv 2022.04.15.488481 (2022). Link
Davidovich, I.A., Dunn, B., Hertz, J., Roudi, Y.
Learning and Mean Field Theory Inference in Networks with Stochastic Natural Exponential Family Nodes.
In preparation
Carena, M., Davidovich, I.A., Machado, P.A.N., Panico, G.
Phenomenology of Composite Two Higgs-Doublets Models.
In preparation
Da Rold, L., Davidovich, I.A.,
A symmetry for εK.
JHEP 1710, 135 (2017). Link
Andrés, E.C., Da Rold, L., Davidovich, I.A.,
Beautiful mirrors for a pNGB Higgs.
JHEP 1603, 152 (2016). Link